
Longzhize Transmission Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD HONEST MANAGEMENT IS TRUSTWORTHY


How to deal with bearing rust of precision planetary reducer

2022-05-09 09:51:08 lzzcdkj 6

First of all, the cleaning of rust should be determined according to the nature of the surface, and the cleaning method of solvent cleaning and chemical treatment is generally used as a mechanical cleaning method.

Second, the surface can be analyzed when drying using a filtered drying treatment time compression technique as well as drying through an air polluted environment, or using a 120-170°C dryer and wiping it dry with a clean gauze.

Third, the use of antirust oil coating method, coating methods are impregnated, brush coating and spraying; If the impregnation treatment is small, the impregnation method can be used so that we can use a layer of oil on the surface as a rust inhibitor.

Brush coating method is not applicable to soak or mold spray outdoor construction equipment products. Spraying method is suitable for large antirust materials, also suitable for solvent dilution antirust oil or thin antirust oil, but must take perfect fire protection and labor protection measures.

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