
Longzhize Transmission Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD HONEST MANAGEMENT IS TRUSTWORTHY


Precision planetary reducer in the use of mechanical equipment

2022-05-09 09:50:53 lzzcdkj 4

Normally speaking, a mechanical equipment is usually composed of three parts: power engine, reducer and working mechanism. Some other machines and equipment work needs, there may be tilt control system and lubrication, lighting and other auxiliary systems. Precision planetary reducer is a kind of intermediate device that transmits the mechanical energy generated by the power machine to the relevant working mechanism.

Precision planetary reducer can play the following important roles in mechanical equipment:

1, in order to adapt to the needs of work, can change the output speed;

2. Change the output torque;

3. Change the motion form of power machine output into the motion form required by the working mechanism.

4. Transfer the mechanical energy of the power machine to several working mechanisms, or transfer the mechanical energy of several power machines to one working mechanism.

5, using precision planetary reducer to complete other special functions, such as machine assembly, installation, maintenance and safety.

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